Wednesday, September 9, 2009

'Y' Hike again

After dropping Emily off at the school this morning at 5am I went to give the 'Y' hike a second try. This time I was feeling much better. I made to to the bottom of the 'Y' in 28 minutes. On the way back down I say Scott and Cory and 5 other people, it was still dark when I got back to the jeep. Felt much better this morning.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Y Not

First blog in a while... here is a recap of the weekend. I blew chunks during the BYU game and missed the second half. But BYU won 14 to 13 beating #3 Oklahoma so all is well. I slept most of the day Sunday (thanks Laurie for letting me sleep and taking the kids to church) then Laurie made an Awesome Pulled pork sandwiches for dinner. I was feeling good enough to have a couple.

We spent most of the day Monday working on Lilly's poster for school. I printed pictures while Laurie arranged the pictures on the poster. (it turned out great). I also was able to go through a good portion of the pictures on our computer and found a few that I thought had been lost when the hard drive went bad earlier this spring.

I got up with Emily at 4:30 this morning to take her for the road test portion of Drivers Ed. I had a couple of hours to kill so thought I would hike to the Y on the mountain. I haven't been good about working out this summer and am feeling out of shape and heave (230 or so). After looking at the pictures over the week end I realize that I really need to loose some lbs and get in shape. Well the hike to the Y could have gone better. I made it about 1/2 way and needed a bathroom badly. I guess I'm still recovering from the sickness, which is my excuse anyway.

Well I headed back down and made my way to the nearest restroom with TP, which happened to be home. After taking care of my business, I made some lunches, got the boys ready for work/school and headed off to work.

I'm going to have to give this hike to the 'Y' another chance. Emily is going to drive again early tomorrow morning; we will see how I do.

I've wanted to add pix to the blog so here is my first try.